The new Solar Scintillation Monitor from
“Analog Astronomical Device”
The measurement of solar scintillations has been used for several years to determine the atmospheric atmospheric turbulence on or near the ground. Such measurements are useful to know the quality of atmospheric ‘seeing’ during high-resolution solar observations.
The SSM2 is a seeing monitor for the discerning amateur astronomer who observes the sun. This device determines the seeing value in ArcSec at your particular location. It supports the amateur astronomer in finding the best observation sites for solar observation and photography.
I would like to briefly explain the idea behind building a solar scintillation monitor. Seeing is largely dependent on three main factors.
1. the atmosphere
2. location
3. time
We cannot change the atmospheric conditions, we have to accept them. Of course, we can decide whether or not to observe in veiling clouds. However, seeing is also significantly influenced by the site conditions. Under certain atmospheric conditions, there are locations where the seeing is much better than at others.
Thirdly, seeing can also be viewed as a wave function. At a given location, moments of very good seeing alternate with moments of poor seeing. With some experience, you can then determine the trigger point for the camera.
Advantages of using an SSM2 Solar Scintillation Monitor :
You get to know the seeing and can decide when to trigger the camera.
Memory management (laptop). Videos with poor seeing can be deleted immediately.
Changes in seeing for long-term sequences.
Seeing analyses of sites over the seasons.
Example of data analysis of a sun session. The recording duration here is 5 hours.
Good seeing on the far left in the morning. A relatively small scattering of the measured values and occasionally a cloud passing by.
Then a phase with medium seeing, the scattering is greater. Then around midday, fields of clouds passing by.
In the afternoon we see poor seeing with large scattering.
The Sensor comes with the new SSM3 Visualization Software.
Attached to the telescope with Velcro fastener. This allows the SSM to be positioned where you want it....
Power supply via laptop or USB hub .....